Here are some Translations for storylines of some games the swap trick is belowThis is the first story translation, I will change it every week. Final Fanatsy 7 Character, Storyline, and leveldescriptions.(All that are presently known that is).
Storyline:Shin-Ra, a corporation that has taken over theworlds governments and total power supply. The companyis rapidly taking over the entire world and using it toserve its needs. Cloud, a former Shin-Ra mercanary metBullet the leader of Avalanche and one of the onlypeople he was withstanding resitance from the ruthlesspower of Shin-Ra, at a bar and was offered a largeamount of money to help his cause. Then Aerith runs into Cloud be chance and then takes a major role in therequest to stop Shin-Ra.
Characters:Cloud(Gaio in Japan): This 21 year-old spiked hairedhero is battling to save his planet from Shin-Ra, acompany that controls the worlds governments and powersupply. As once a member of the Shin-Ra elite army,Cloud now is just a wandering mercanarie. He is nowunder the employ of Avanlanche, an anti-Shin-Raterrorist group. After accepting a main job withAvalanche, he leaps in to battle to determine the veryfate of his planet. Cloud weilds the longest sword invideo gaming history and uses it in many different waysto make his rivals suffer.Bullet(formerly known as Barret): This monster(he is really a human)is the 35 year-old leader ofAvalanche. He was married until his wife was killed inan accident several years ago. He is currently livingwith a woman named Marin while plotting his resistanceto Shin-Ra. Bullet's right arm just happened to be achain gun which he uses to sacrifice animals, humans andany other being that tries to stop his mission.
Aerith: Aerith is 22 years-old and has a verymysterious past. She currently runs Midgar's flowershop. But after meeting Cloud in a chance encounter,she ends up playing a major role helping him and Bulletresist the wrath of Shin-Ra. Rumors are spreading thatshe and Cloud may be in love with each other. Aerithhas a long, metal cepter in which she uses to whackopponents senseless.Red XIII : Little is known(in real life) aboutRed XIII. He is actually a member of Avalanche! Red isa ferocious wolf/lion creature that uses sharp claws toshred opposers of the Avalanche campaign. Despite hisbeastly appearence, Red is actually very intelligent.His intelligence level exceeds that of a human by a longway.
Cid: Cid's back for some for Final Fantasyaction. Although he is much younger (only 32)than Cidsin the previous Final Fantasy quests, he still sharesthe same atributes of his past selves. Cid is stillkind-hearted, has a high knowledge of mechanics andexploratory excitement. Cid carries a long metal spearin which he uses to inflict massive amounts of pain inopponents.Tifa: Tifa is the youngest of the Avalanchemembers(20 years-old), but is equally as dangerous.Tifa is brave and good to the communities, but behindthe cute face lays the spirit of a fighter. She fightswith only her bare fists and still manages to mashopponents. Tifa was a childhood friend of Clouds andalthough she acts otherwise, is believed to havefeelings for him
Levels(World):The Machine Tower:This level includes over a dozen floorsto explore and houses the reators used to power theworld. This structure is one of the most prized byShin-Ra and plays a critical part in the story.The Church:The Church is a giant cathedral that hasmany stairs to climb and objects to find. Cloud willneed to search this place inside out to find a crucialpiece in the puzzle of stopping Shin-Ra.The Farm:Odd. A farm in the middle of a world oftowers, slums, and giant cannons. The Farm is completewith a couch, milking stool and a fridge full of freshdairy products. This stage is small and takes only alittle amount of time to explore.Junon:Little is known about this level. Infact, pretty much nothing is known about it. It has agiant(gotta see it to believe it)gun pointing out in tothe sea that sits on the top of it. There is also abanner on the front of this huge vessel that clearlystates "Rufus".
The Slums:These are fairly high quality slums
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